Saturday, April 16, 2011

Daniel Murphy: Fuckup

Daniel Murphy is a fuckup.

Oh, I don't say that to be mean, or hurtful, I say it is simply because it's a fact. Water is wet, grass is green, and Daniel Murphy is a fuckup. 

We tried him in left field. He fucked up.

We tried him at first base. Fucked up there too.

We tried platooning him at second base. Fucker fucked up.

Today he made one of the greatest (worst) Mets errors of all time: down 3-0 in the sixth in Game Two of the Atlanta double-header, Murphy attempted to steal third- on his own- and was thrown out by a country mile. Manager Terry Collins- usually frustrated and furious- became even more frustrated and furious. It is rumored that after the game Terry beat Murphy purple with a sack of frozen oranges. You can't blame Collins...

Daniel Murphy's a fuckup.


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